8 amazing foods that your guts will love .

  •    What is Guts?

The Gastrointestinal tract is the tract or passageway of the digestive system that leads from the mouth to the rectum which is generally determined by the levels and types of bacteria in your digestive intestinal tract the GI track contains all the major organs of the digestive system in human or other animals including the esophagus stomach and intestine.

·  Why the gut is important.

Before understanding why the gut is important we talk about what the good do so the cuts break down the food you eat and absorb all the nutrients that support your bodies functions and excrete waste products of digestion and the gut has an impact on your overall health.

8 amazing foods will suits to your guts-

1. Nuts and seeds -Nuts and seeds are rich in fibre which is important for gut health and keeping you regular and good bowel movements nuts and seeds are great sources of protein healthy fats fibre ,vitamins and minerals,

Nuts and seeds are also helpful for-

§  May help to control blood sugar

§  May  help to promote brain health

§  May Boost Your mood

§  May  reduce the risk of heart disease

§  May help with weight management.

2.Berries - berries are good for your guts health berries provides potassium magnesium Vitamin C and K fiber and prebiotics carbohydrates that help to promote healthy guts.

3. Avocados - avocados supports gut bacteria that fuel comes from dietary fibre just half of an avocado contains around 4 grams of fibre, A recent research study says that people who eat avocados every day end up with better gut health than people who did not.

4. Lean proteins - lean proteins refers to source of protein that are low in total fat , particularly saturated fats it helps to maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria in your stomach or guts.

5. Tomatoes - you can understand the importance of tomatoes for guts health , the tomatoes are highly beneficial for gut health due to their rich content of fiber ,antioxidants and bioactive compounds incorporating tomatoes in a balanced diet can significantly contribute to a healthy guts supporting overall well being.

6. Legumes - legumes contains anti -Carcinogenic bioactive peptides with anti inflammatory properties that helps to flourish healthy gut bacteria and magnify regular bowel movements.

7.  Cruciferous vegetables -Cruciferous vegetables are full of nutrients, cruciferous vegetables are just like leafy Greens cabbages cauliflowers and mustard-like veggies are a bunch pack of highly nutritional food and some research says that cruciferous vegetables even have cancer-fighting properties.

8. Greek yoghurt -There is a bacteria called lactobacillusbulgaricus and Streptococcus ,Thermophilus found in Greek yogurt that provides pre -biotics that are good for your guts health.

Research shows us that are good microbiome can affect every organ in our body so please take care of your guts and try to choose what is right or wrong for you.

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